When my dog was younger she was petrified of the clicker. She didn't understand that the click was good! She'd literally walk away from me and hide in my room because the sound scared her. A couple weeks ago I decided to give the clicker another shot because I was bored and didn't have anything else to do. Mind you, my dog is 14 years old and has never exactly been eager to please. If there's food involved, then yes, she'll do just about anything, but she's never really had the drive for obedience training.
I was pleasantly surprised when she made the connection that the sound meant she did what she was supposed to do correctly and that she would be rewarded. Within 10 minutes she knew that the clicker wasn't some scary little object that made a strange, loud noise. In the next 10 minutes I'd taught her how to spin, which for her really just meant walking in a wide circle. Nonetheless, she learned a new trick and I was ecstatic! One of these days I'll take a video of her performing her new trick.
And speaking of dog training and using a clicker, I came across some e-books that really look interesting! Again, if I had money I'd so buy these. I love learning new training techniques.
Clickertraining: The 4 Secrets Of Becoming A Supertrainer
Secrets To Dog Training
Dog Training Home Study Course
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